Medisonal clinic logo

The Medisonal clinic is a virtual clinic that combines a cutting-edge technological approach, with a compassionate, patient-centric team of healthcare professionals, which allows patients to embark on an easy and supportive journey to manage their unmet clinical needs, and to achieve optimal health.

Virtual Clinic With a Holistic Approach

The objective of this clinic is to provide patients with a seamless and personalized virtual experience, enabling efficient diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care from the comfort of their own homes, through carefully considered and implemented automation of a clinic relationship management system.

A Single Platform For Patients to Manage Their Health

M2 is an online innovative platform that has been built with the sole purpose of enhancing patient engagement, and providing convenient and interactive access to healthcare services. 

About M2

Although M2 is designed to act as a resource to active Medisonal Clinic patients, general content is also accessible for patients from other clinics, or those who have any slight interest in unlicensed medicines, as our patient educational content, is public for anyone and everyone to see. This enables the patient community to get information on the treatment of certain medical conditions with medical cannabis. 

To optimise the platform to its fullest extent however, patients of the clinic can access a wide variety of benefits, such as easily tracking your medication, storing a log of your progress and symptoms, keeping reminders of your appointments and also requesting repeat prescriptions, to be able to successfully manage their medication.

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