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Our Medisonal institute of education (MIE) hosts a wealth of teaching modules to educate healthcare professionals on unlicensed medicines, with a keen focus into the therapeutic potential of Cannabis-Based Prescription Medicines (CBPMs).

A Plenitude of Knowledge Into the use of CBPMs

Our Medisonal institute of education (MIE) hosts a wealth of teaching modules to educate healthcare professionals on unlicensed medicines, with a keen focus into the therapeutic potential of Cannabis-Based Prescription Medicines (CBPMs).

Medisonal doctors learning on laptops
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18 Live Courses From Over 25 Contributors

With the help of over 25 specialist doctors from various corners of the globe, their contributing knowledge and experience, have helped to shape these comprehensive and meticulously researched training resources. These modules can equip doctors with the knowledge they need to navigate the complex prescribing landscape surrounding unlicenced medicines, and help with Medisonal’s aim of bridging the gap between science and practice.

Expanding Our Education With Psychedelics

With the initial focus of MIE being on medicinal cannabis, Psychedelics is the latest  branch of this educational institute, with the introduction of 5 individual modules. These 5 modules focus on the growing recognition into psychedelics for clinical use, and the therapeutic and properties that clinical research has found about these drugs.

Continuous development of the modules will be implemented due to the growing research in this sphere, to stay up-to-date, in response to legislation changing, and more research trials being undertaken.

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